. .. especially u have all da MC students as ur classmate .. . like them . .zzz
okay, this explain why sometimes i refuse to talk - because I juz want SILENT !
n on the other hand, it means - WE - r passionate to everyone n Extrovert ` >_<"
Library could no longer be quit when this gang bumps in n sit right beside u. This place ain't that tranquil as u always see. It's not dat bad after all. Instead, Thanks a lot, they motivate me .
I'm sure i'll soon be a dumb if i were in a silent or passive group.
Ruby Tan's a Sexy n enthusiastic lecturer. I always pay my sedulous attention to her n while she's teaching. [dat explain how i get this photo.. but soree, it doesn't look nice >_< ] Hmm.. wOnder wat she was doing ? hahahz She was staring at ... ermm . . "sOmeone" .. with her sharp eyes during the quiz in class.
snowman wearing a specs , cute yah ? ^^ ahahahz, pOor ms. Hidayah thought this is a BIRD ? [wth] cikgu: apa burung tu ? for guys, they hav thought this highlighted word further n futher .. away ~ in their mind .
Omg, imagine same class with them everyday. [Pannndaaa ~ ]
Cindy with her cute n new hairstyle. cOngratz girl, for having a blog d ! link her here
"God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart." - Izaak Walton . Our favourite attitude should be gratitude. Thanks for everyone i meet in my life- those caring n always suPport me in whatever i do . .[dun worry, i'm not preaching right now ..zz] Wink ^^
.. n also the "malaikat" n the "syaitan" who became our Hot topic for a week+ ..wakakkakz
EXCUSE ME, PLS dun simply send a message to an anonymous or even though u know s/he is ur friend's friend n the msg gOes like this !!!! :
hey f_ck. . *tooot* pick up the phone .
By right, Mat & Chris, Thanks again for ..phoniing n ermm . . hahahahz [ u know la]
What a instant relief ! .. before I almost shout out WTF
Match n win or " Looks a like" cOntest ? i sUpPort it !
Exam is imminent. ALright, ALL da BEST for those who'r taking exam !!
[Hazel is mad today, as she used some bizzaire words "upstair" ]
MORE to come ~